The following women were crazy: those that didn't want a natural delivery, those that used formula, those that worked demanding full time jobs (irregular or long hours), those that only wanted one child, those that used store bought baby food.... I think you get the point. I was going to be the best mom and everyone else was inferior.
Then I met my "November mommies." We were all due in November. Our babies arrived between September and December. We supported each other through 6 months of pregnancy, the newborn stage, and we are getting through that infant stage together. We laugh, cry, and pray together. We support each other 100%.
And not one of them is raising their child the way we're raising Jack. (I should also point out that I did some things I swore I would never do.) Some of them had scheduled c- sections, love the convenience of formula or store bought baby food, some are doing it on their own, some never want to deal with pregnancy again, some have very demanding jobs (we have some lawyers and our resident doctor)... but they are all superior mothers.
My "November mommies" have taught me that there are at least 120 ways to raise a child, and all of them are correct.
A small group of our November family.
This made me tear up. So true and so sweet!